Chicago-area Doctor, Kenny Duggal M.D., to Speak at Veggie Fest Presents! in Lisle, Illinois

Autumn is a great time for hosting gatherings, taking a stroll to enjoy the changing leaves, and drinking hot apple cider by Lake Michigan (or anywhere there’s a chill in the air).  ALSO, what the Veggie Fest team is looking forward this season is hosting Chicago-area doctor, Kenny Duggal, M.D. at one of our popular Veggie Fest Presents! events. Respected in the Chicago medical scene, Dr. Kenny Duggal is an advocate for meditation and a plant-based diet for healthy living.

Scheduled to speak at the Science of Spirituality International Meditation Center on Saturday, October 26, 1-2:30pm (4105 Naperville Road in Lisle, IL 60532), you won’t want to miss his talk, “Myth Busters: Exposing the Myths about a Plant-based Diet.”

If you want to hear more about Dr. Duggal’s message, check out his recent interview in the July issue of Natural Awakening magazine. His approach to health and medicine is filled with compassion and common sense:

Food can become medicine. What we’re seeing in the research, overwhelmingly, is that when people go on a plant-based diet—with whole grains and vegetables (not processed and packaged!)—many of these chronic illnesses begin to peel away. They begin to live disease-free and enjoy renewed health and vitality.

A few weeks ago, we sat down with Dr. Duggal to hear more about his thoughts on health and wellness. In a world that is hooked on fast-food and pills, his message about taking back our health by moving more and eating a whole food, plant-based diet really resonated with us. He also spoke about his own practice and what gives him joy. Being a board-certified specialist in the field of Physical Medicine as well as a Rehabilitation Specialist, we asked if he would share an inspirational moment in his career. This is what he had to say:

For me it’s watching the reunion of patients with their families, patients who have gone through a successful rehabilitation and are then able to return home. My patients may be going through rehabilitation from 2 weeks to 2 months so that they can get back to a level of independence and return home to live with their loved ones. When we see patients who come to us, who can’t get out of bed to walk, etc., and to see them regain their independence, that joy is amazing. We have so many patients who come back to see us after they’ve reunited with their families to thank our entire staff for the help they received. It’s so gratifying to watch someone get back to what they want to do. Those reunions are always very special moments.

His patient-centered focus and his take-back-your-health message couldn’t be more timely! As a yearly speaker at the festival, we asked Dr. Duggal what he loved about Veggie Fest:

It is, by far, my favorite festival, ever! It has the most diverse group of people who all have one common thing they are looking for, and that’s happiness. I’ve seen more smiles at Veggie Fest than anywhere else.

Not only is Dr. Duggal a long-time distinguished presenter at Veggie Fest, but he has spoken at the United Nations, and is a contributing author to the renowned book on the healing power of meditation by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj, called Meditation as Medication for the Soul (Radiance Publishers).

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